With exactly one week until I leave Texas, I felt like this was a good time to address questions people have asked regarding my departure. I've received a lot of questions along the lines of food, culture shock, and nerves/fear. Although I cannot be certain of any of these situations prior to getting to country, I have my opinions and expectations.
As far as food, Namibia is a country that loves their meat. And as a Texas girl, I like the way they think! Although my allergies and dietary restrictions will be difficult, I'm hoping and planning to consume a lot of meat, vegetables (no grains), a plethora of potatoes, eggs, and fruit, fruit, fruit! If I am able to find some of these things plus peanut butter, my year will be as easy as pie. I am also packing as many Lara Bars that will fit in my bags. Hint: if you ever want to send me a care package, shoot for peanut butter and Lara Bars.
When it comes to culture shock, I am a girl who has seen much of the world at a young age. Having lived in Saudi, studied in Rome, and lived in Texas for more than 10 years, I have been exposed to different cultures and walks of life. I find excitement and beauty in learning about others. Whether it be their holidays/festivities, foods, or just the way they think, I believe there is so much to take away from each individual person and culture. I honestly think that reverse culture shock is something I experience more frequently than culture shock. Upon returning home to America, I often find myself comparing and analyzing all of the different countries I've visited.
Lastly, fear and nerves. I would be lying if I said I was not feeling these emotions. However, they are overshadowed by eagerness, excitement, and a little bit of sadness. Considering I'm a girl who cries during commercials, I have surprisingly enough only allowed myself one breakdown so far, which is pretty impressive. With that being said, last night I said my year-long goodbyes to a couple of friends. That was difficult because it reminded me of all of the great things I will be missing out on in the upcoming year. In 2013, three beautiful friends will marry men they love, and a godly couple who I admire and have enjoyed watching grow together, will give birth to their first baby, a beautiful little girl. Those things are hard to think about. Hard to fathom I won't be in Texas to watch them in all of their happiness, and be a part of the biggest days in their lives. Now that I've brought the mood down, I must say, God has continually provided blessings and miracles throughout the beginning phases of this experience. Whether it be through random conversations, the girls I've already met via Facebook, or prayers from y'all, I am constantly feeling the love and support from God and my family and friends!
With all of my love,
P.S. For those that have read all of the way through my last few entries, thank you. I promise not every blog will be this long!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The Final Pieces
Where should I even begin? I have been on information overload since Wednesday, and everyone in my family has been googling and researching as much as they can about where I will be living next year. So let me start with the general information I was given by WorldTeach....
Next year, I will be living in the Kunene Region of Namibia, Africa, where the native tongue is Otjiherero. I will have the opportunity to teach English to 6th - 8th graders at Otjerunda Combined School. According to my Field Director, my school is about 15 minutes South (by taxi) from Opuwo, the capital of Kunene. In Opuwo, I will be able to find a variety of shops, take care of my needs, and do some additional exploring. In this town, they also have a hotel, so my parents and Amanda and Mark, will try to stay there when they visit. As for my living arrangements, I will live in shared teacher housing on school property. We are guaranteed water (cold) and electricity, but I'm also given a shared kitchen and bathroom. Here's the big WOAH factor... the toilet is outside of the accommodation! I'm not 100% sure what that means yet, but I will find out sooner than later.
Now for the information I have found through some of my travel books and the ever so helpful Internet...
The Kunene Region, also known as the Kaokoland or Kaokoveld, is "a stunning and rugged region of gravel plains and rocky, terracotta-coloured semidesert." This region can experience heavy rains, which lead to extreme flooding, but they are also well-known for their droughts. Kunene is also known for great Safaris and the rare desert elephants, which I am beyond excited for! As far as other amazing things to do in Kunene, there is the Skeleton Coast, Epupa Falls, and Etosha National Park. All of which are beautiful and breathtaking, even in pictures.
The Kunene region is made up of two tribes, the Ovahimba and the Herero tribes. The Ovahimba are a semi-nomadic group that primarily breed cattle and goats. The women wear little clothing and cover themselves with otjize, a creamy red-brown mixture that protects their skin from the sun and keeps them fresh. They also accessorize with ankle bracelets, that tell outsiders the number of children they have. The men and women both wear braids, which symbolize their availability. On the other spectrum is the Herero tribe. They dress in elegant Victorian attire and are primarily subsistence farmers that tend to livestock.
With all of that being said, I leave for New York in about 12 days. Packing has already started. I've taken stuff out, I've put stuff in, I've done laundry, I've been overwhelmed with how much it seems I have. I figure whatever makes it, makes it.
If you have any additional questions regarding Kunene or my year of teaching, please contact me via this blog, Facebook, or email :)
Next year, I will be living in the Kunene Region of Namibia, Africa, where the native tongue is Otjiherero. I will have the opportunity to teach English to 6th - 8th graders at Otjerunda Combined School. According to my Field Director, my school is about 15 minutes South (by taxi) from Opuwo, the capital of Kunene. In Opuwo, I will be able to find a variety of shops, take care of my needs, and do some additional exploring. In this town, they also have a hotel, so my parents and Amanda and Mark, will try to stay there when they visit. As for my living arrangements, I will live in shared teacher housing on school property. We are guaranteed water (cold) and electricity, but I'm also given a shared kitchen and bathroom. Here's the big WOAH factor... the toilet is outside of the accommodation! I'm not 100% sure what that means yet, but I will find out sooner than later.
Otjerunda- Where my school will be located |
The Kunene Region, also known as the Kaokoland or Kaokoveld, is "a stunning and rugged region of gravel plains and rocky, terracotta-coloured semidesert." This region can experience heavy rains, which lead to extreme flooding, but they are also well-known for their droughts. Kunene is also known for great Safaris and the rare desert elephants, which I am beyond excited for! As far as other amazing things to do in Kunene, there is the Skeleton Coast, Epupa Falls, and Etosha National Park. All of which are beautiful and breathtaking, even in pictures.
A road in Kunene |
A woman in the Ovahimba Tribe |
If you have any additional questions regarding Kunene or my year of teaching, please contact me via this blog, Facebook, or email :)
P.S. Here's a quote that I saw at Ruggles Green. It seems so fitting for my upcoming adventure:
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
-Native American Proverb-
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Ramblings from Wimberley
My thoughts this weekend in Wimberley:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We're in Wimberley, Mom, Amanda, and me. It truly feels like fall with changing leaves and crisp air. Our cottage is something from a movie, and I cannot believe that people have the luxury and joy to live so excluded from the world, completely in touch with God. To give up the suburbs or city living for a place like this is a writer's dream. Wake up, have coffee or tea, work on a novel or small assignments, take a stroll into town, and enjoy the artwork of God.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Our weekend cottage |
We're in Wimberley, Mom, Amanda, and me. It truly feels like fall with changing leaves and crisp air. Our cottage is something from a movie, and I cannot believe that people have the luxury and joy to live so excluded from the world, completely in touch with God. To give up the suburbs or city living for a place like this is a writer's dream. Wake up, have coffee or tea, work on a novel or small assignments, take a stroll into town, and enjoy the artwork of God.
At night, the stars even shine. Not like the ten stars you see in Sugar Land, but hundreds and thousands, each proclaiming He is Father. Oh the beauty he has created is breathtaking. This experience He has provided for the three of us is the perfect opportunity before I leave for a year. The laughs, the memories, the vistas forever stored in the hippocampus portion of my brain. I am blessed. More blessed than this heart of mine can proclaim.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Time is Ticking
Two fortune cookies I have received in the past year |
In less than two months, I will be packing my bags, getting on a plane, and leaving America for a whole year (sorry Mom, I know you hate that number). Words cannot even begin to explain all that is going on in my head and in my heart. My life is literally like a kaleidoscope of emotions. I am excited to be there, but sad to leave family and friends. I am nervous to become a new teacher, but anxious to meet my students. I am in awe of all that my future home has to offer, but afraid I will be homesick for Texas more than I care to admit. I know all of these emotions are natural, but why can't I have one consistent thought to make things easier?
With all of that being said, preparations for this journey have been VERY eventful. Since September I think I have spent 50% of my weekends at places like REI and Academy. My Dad has gone back to his days of being a boyscout, and is preparing me for any life-threatening situations I may encounter. Hopefully there will be none of those though. I have also bought any clothes or living essentials I may need for the year. Some of which include a solar shower, clothespins, a head light, duck tape, skirts to teach in, etc. You name it, I probably have it :) As for WorldTeach preparations, I have all of my paperwork in, I have almost raised all of my money (thank you to EVERYONE who has donated or prayed for me throughout this process), I have completed my TEFL paperwork and observation hours, and I only have one shot left to get. Let's just say I have been busy, but the process has helped me to mentally prepare for this year away from home.
For those that I have not had the opportunity to tell, I leave for New York on December 27. My parents and I will spend two and a half days exploring the city. This will be my first time there, and although I won't get to do the shopping I would normally hope for, I will get to see the city around the holidays. I'm so excited to see all of the lights and the holiday cheer :) Afterwards, I will be meeting up with half of my group on December 29 for a meeting. The next morning (Dec 30), we will fly out to Johannesburg, South Africa and onto Windhoek, Namibia!!!
Thinking about all of these travels makes me so excited. I can't wait to meet the rest of the volunteers and get to know each of them. So far, I have found about 5 girls that I will be traveling with and I am enjoying talking to them, brainstorming, and discussing our plans. God has definitely blessed me throughout this whole process.
Well, that's all for now. If you would like to receive updates or snail mail, please message/email/text me your information. More updates to come,
P.S. I have sat down to write this blog 4 times, so forgive me if it's crazy or my thoughts are everywhere. Welcome to my kaleidoscope of emotions.
Monday, October 1, 2012
This time for Africa!
Prior to being accepted into
WorldTeach Namibia, I had applied to two very similar, but different
organizations. One was Teach for
America, a company that strives to improve education in poverty stricken parts
of America, and the other was WorldTeach, a company that sends volunteers to
third world countries in hopes of assisting with education and meeting local
needs. Teach for America allowed
me to stay state side and make money, while WorldTeach gave me the opportunity
to travel the world, paying my own way.
Obviously there were positives and negatives about both, so a lot of
thought and prayer needed to go into this decision. I prayed earnestly that God would put me where I was
supposed to be and that I would not be offered both, but rather I would be
denied any opportunity that was not right for me. Although this prayer presented conflict because I really
wanted both, I knew my decision would be easier if God was fully in control and
I knew exactly what he expected of me.
On one November evening, I
sat on my couch and checked my email, knowing that it was the night to find out
whether or not I would be staying in America to teach. I was not accepted into Teach for
America, and although I was upset, one of the first things that came to mind
was…“Oh my gosh, I’m going to Africa.”
At this time, I hadn’t even finished my application, but I knew that God
was ultimately in charge and that He put this mission in my heart for a reason. Several months later, after an evening
of tutoring kids in Houston’s third ward, and just before an advertising
meeting (my two professional worlds), I received the news I had been waiting
for. I was going to Namibia,
Namibia, Africa is located
in southern Africa and lies along the Atlantic Ocean. The country, which was originally colonized by the Germans,
received independence from South Africa in 1990. In this beautiful country, you can find wild life, the
famous Skeleton Coast, and the Kalahari Desert. As for my personal journey to Namibia, I will be responsible
for a 12-month teaching commitment in one of the local cities/villages. I may live with other volunteers/Peace
Corps members, or I may live alone.
Currently, I am not sure which city I will be placed in or which
subjects I will be given the opportunity to teach. However, I know that no matter where I go and what I teach,
I will be moved by the culture, beauty of the country, and my students.
Before I leave for this
journey in December, I am expected to earn or raise the money needed for
airfare, housing, training, and other small items. This is estimated to be over $6,000 and I am currently on
course to reach nearly $3,000.
However, it is likely that I will need assistance to offset the
remainder. Therefore, I am asking
that you prayerfully consider helping to benefit these children by supporting
my mission. This can be done
through prayer, contributions directly to me, or tax deductable donations to
WorldTeach on my behalf. (If you
choose to make a donation via WorldTeach, go to worldteach.org >> Donate/Pay >> Contribution to Volunteer Fee/In-Country project >> Taylor McLaughlin.) Any
consideration is truly welcomed and certainly appreciated!
I am greatly looking forward
to this chapter in my life and calling.
I hope that you have the ability to actively participate and follow
along in this part of my story.
With all of my love,
Monday, February 27, 2012
Old pictures and Bon Iver
Last night, in hopes of taking a break from studying I went through some pictures on my computer and let Bon Iver speak to my soul. I honestly can't believe how much has changed since high school. How much I've changed. It definitely isn't a bad thing. It was needed and natural, but it is still a crazy concept.
Looking through these pictures all I could think was, "where has the time gone?" Didn't I just graduate high school and head off to Baylor? It seriously feels like yesterday I moved into my dorm room and was spending most of my weekends at Common Grounds, but at the same time it feels like a completely different world.
I have been so blessed to spend my college career at 3 different schools (I count John Cabot as 1 of those 3) with such diverse and unique groups of people. Each school has helped me to mature and has provided me with friends that I am so thankful for. They have filled my college days with memories I will forever cherish. With that being said, here is a short list of some of my favorite memories from college so far...
1. Making the dance company where I met the lovely Erin
2. Working shows with Olivia and becoming Common Grounds cool
3. Trips to Austin/ Amanda's house show
4. Listening to God and making the decision to leave Baylor
John Cabot:
1. Anything and everything Italian
2. When Hennah ran down the stairs at our apartment and hugged me before even introducing herself
3. Karaoke and Scholars
4. Shopping, eating, and traveling with my roomies
5. Meeting people from all over the world
University of Houston:
1. Living in the tiniest apartment with Amanda
2. Becoming friends with Mary
3. Attending every DR show in Houston
4. Phone calls with Kelsey
5. My Italian group
6. Realizing that I wanted to teach abroad
So maybe that list wasn't that short... But seriously, how blessed have I been? During difficult times, it is so important for me to remember that.
Ok, well that's enough of my ramblings :)
Buona Notte
Looking through these pictures all I could think was, "where has the time gone?" Didn't I just graduate high school and head off to Baylor? It seriously feels like yesterday I moved into my dorm room and was spending most of my weekends at Common Grounds, but at the same time it feels like a completely different world.
I have been so blessed to spend my college career at 3 different schools (I count John Cabot as 1 of those 3) with such diverse and unique groups of people. Each school has helped me to mature and has provided me with friends that I am so thankful for. They have filled my college days with memories I will forever cherish. With that being said, here is a short list of some of my favorite memories from college so far...
1. Making the dance company where I met the lovely Erin
2. Working shows with Olivia and becoming Common Grounds cool
3. Trips to Austin/ Amanda's house show
4. Listening to God and making the decision to leave Baylor
John Cabot:
1. Anything and everything Italian
2. When Hennah ran down the stairs at our apartment and hugged me before even introducing herself
3. Karaoke and Scholars
4. Shopping, eating, and traveling with my roomies
5. Meeting people from all over the world
University of Houston:
1. Living in the tiniest apartment with Amanda
2. Becoming friends with Mary
3. Attending every DR show in Houston
4. Phone calls with Kelsey
5. My Italian group
6. Realizing that I wanted to teach abroad
So maybe that list wasn't that short... But seriously, how blessed have I been? During difficult times, it is so important for me to remember that.
Ok, well that's enough of my ramblings :)
Buona Notte
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