
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Old Maid

I'm twenty-four and single. Around three fourths of my friends are in some kind of committed relationship, whether that be dating, engaged, or married. Do you know what I've learned being twenty-four and single? Other people do not want you to be twenty-four and single. Women, men, older, younger, same age, no matter what, others are trying to change this status for me. In the past few months, I can't count how many times I have experienced one of two things:

  1. "I should totally set you up with ###"
  2. "Have you thought about using or eHarmony?"
Now, I'm not opposed to being in a relationship, in fact I'd be completely content if some man came along and stole my heart, but I'm also not in any huge rush. I've had my fair share of heartbreak, and I truly believe that timing is everything, so there's no need to speed this whole thing along. I did not realize however that twenty-four was the age people started to worry about your marital status. Is that really where we are now? Twenty-four year old female, single and you're practically an old maid? I like to believe that's not the case, but if I'm honest, I'm feeling a little bit of pressure to start a relationship, which I know is never a smart route to take.

If you are one of those people who has been blessed with a relationship, I'm beyond happy for you. That's really not an understatement at all, if I feel that it is a healthy, mature relationship. I love to share in on these moments, go through the typical girl talk, and hear about the reasons you love ###. 

Here is what I do ask others to consider though: unless you are really going to make the effort to set up your said single friend with said cute guy/girl that you believe is a great match, the comment really does not need to be made. In these past few months, not one person has followed through on comment #1. In fact, it usually (one friend has been the exception) does not go past that initial comment. 

My second request would be that you ease into the online dating topic with caution. I have many friends who have married men they met online, so I do not see it as a bad way of going, but I spoke with one of these friends recently and she told me that she felt she got lucky in the situation. It was completely a God thing, but if that factor was missing, it would not have been for her. I've looked into these websites, but as I said, I'm in no rush to push God's timing. As I started looking through the websites, they were so much work, and let's face it, I was in no hurry to answer/rate my own personality. If you know me, I'm way too hard on myself as it is. I also don't feel like I'm at that point right now. I believe in old-fashioned love. The kind that starts in the grocery store, at a football game, or at dinner with life-long friends.

1 comment:

  1. Follow your heart little one. Don't let anyone rush you into a relationship you're not ready for.
    Take life one day at a time and enjoy it. I think you've got a good head on your shoulders.
