Dear students at Otjerunda CS,
I am saddened to say goodbye to you, and although we had our ups and downs and difficulties understanding one another, I want you to know that never did I leave because of you. Your smiling faces and eagerness to know me, although sometimes exhausting, has kept me going. Kept me alive during these hard times.
My boys, you have worked so hard for me and you all have so much potential. Your eagerness has captivated my heart and although many of you are my age and older, I see you as my sweet babies. I pray and hope that you see all of the opportunities that await you in this big, big world.
My girls, you have made me laugh and taken care of me as I have struggled with the roles of a Namibian woman. For each girl who has washed my clothes, played with my hair, and giggled with me, thank you for those sweet memories. Thank you for your kind hearts.
For every student I have ever seen in town, thank you for making me feel like royalty and a million bucks. Weekends were always hard for me, but when you did not shy away from me, but rather proudly waved to me or stopped to talk to me with your friends or parents, you rocked my world and reminded me why I moved across the world to teach.
I have felt so blessed to be your teacher, and although I am leaving, I will never forget your smiling faces, your sassy attitudes, our jokes and laughs together, and all that you taught me.
Grade 5- continue to fight through the struggles of the difficulties of learning English. You will make it! You all have that potential. Every single one of you.
Grade 6- my sweet, sweet kiddos, only a little bit of time spent together, but you provided me with one of my greatest memories, and I am blessed that I got to teach you English for twenty days.
Grade 7- ups and downs, but still so worth it. Our struggles, our not so fighting fights, you all have so much potential (education, sports, music) and have stolen my heart.
Grade 8a- always ready to try something new and honest with your opinions. You helped teach me how to teach. You let me know when things did not work and I am grateful.
Grade 8b- my sweet babies, and secretly, my favorite class. You guys changed my life. You provided me with laughs, challenges, and I have so enjoyed watching y'all grow. Your hearts, they are beautiful and big. Your minds, they are eager and determined. To call you my first students is an honor I am not worthy of.
Grade 9- as you did not know me as well, I did not know you, but I am so grateful for your listening ears and questioning minds. You are good role models for these younger students, so continue the fight and persevere.
All of my love,
Ms. Mac
P.S. be gentle and kind to your new teacher. He or she will face challenges and you will have days when you do not get along, but remember they love you and are on your side! If you have any English questions in the year, feel free to contact me.
SMS: 0812119752
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